The year 2001 will see the recruitment of new members to the Folklore Fellows. A new mandate for the international Advisory Committee for the years 2001-05 has been issued by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, the mother institution in Helsinki. The Advisory Committee will administer the recruitment in collaboration with the local Executive Committee and the FF Office at the Kalevala Institute in Turku. Our aim is to complete the revision of membership by the end of 2001.
Before going into the practical membership procedure it may be appropriate to offer a few facts about the Folklore Fellows.
The Folklore Fellows is an international folkloristic network of researchers, the aim of which is to promote scholarly contacts, publication activities and researcher training. In order to achieve this aim it invites distinguished active researchers from different parts of the world to become members. It further arranges international training courses for researchers, incorporates the editorial board of a monograph series, Folklore Fellows’ Communications, and publishes a biannual newsletter, Folklore Fellows Network.
The Folklore Fellows operates under the auspices of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. The Academy Board appoints the editor-in-chief and other members of the editorial board of the FF Communications series and the chairman of the Executive Committee (EC) consisting of 3-5 folklorist members of the Academy. It is the task of the EC to develop the researcher network by inviting new members and distributing information on research and publications.
The EC is supported by the Folklore Fellows Advisory Committee (AC). It is the AC’s task to prepare proposals for new members, to assist in the planning of the researcher training courses, and to distribute information on the publishing potential afforded by the FFC series. The AC has 10 researcher members from outside Finland in addition to the members of the local EC. It is chaired by the chairman of the EC.
The Folklore Fellows consists of (1) an unlimited number of honorary members, (2) a maximum of 100 full members and (3) an unlimited number of associate members. Honorary members are invited from among eminent folklorists whose scholarly contribution has during a long period of time been internationally and/or nationally important. Distinguished active researchers from different parts of the world are invited by the Folklore Fellows’ Executive Committee to become full members on the advice of the Advisory Committee. One quarter of the full members must be from outside Europe and North America.
The Executive Committee may invite associate members from among folklorists with scholarly merit, including e.g. junior and senior participants in the FF Summer School, authors in the FFC series, or representatives of closely-related disciplines whose participation would help to achieve the functional goals of the researcher network through contacts with research, teaching and archive establishments in different parts of the world.
Member contacts are maintained by the bulletin FF Network giving information on forthcoming FF Summer Schools, the monographs appearing in FFC, conferences, projects and other activities of scholarly networks on special themes.
The rules of the Folklore Fellows (see FF Network No. 11, October 1995, p. 10) are ratified and amended by the Board of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters at the unanimous proposal of the Folklore Fellows Executive Committee.
Membership applications
Applications for associate membership should be sent by mail or e-mail as a freely formulated letter of application to two members of the Advisory Committee (see the list below). The letter should contain sufficient information on the folkloristic merits of the applicant, a curriculum vitae or personalia, academic degrees and positions held plus a list of publications. In addition, a copy of the letter should be sent to the chairman, Dr Lauri Honko, Folklore Fellows, P.O.B. 14, 20501 Turku, Finland, or e-mail:
Professor Mehri Bagheri
Head, Dept. of Culture & Old Iranian Languages
Faculty of Letters
Tabriz University
Professor emer. Hermann Bausinger
Universität Tübingen
Ludwig-Uhland-Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft
72070 Tübingen
(tel. +49 7071 2977307, fax 295330)
Dr Martha Blache
Casilla de Correo No 121
1428 Buenos Aires
Professor John Miles Foley
Center for Studies in Oral Tradition
21 Parker Hall
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
Professor Galit Hasan-Rokem
Dept of Hebrew Literature
Hebrew University
Jerusalem 91905
Director, Dr Lauri Honko
Kalevala Institute
P.O.Box 14
20501 Turku
Professor Reimund Kvideland
Dept of Ethnology & Folkloristics
University of Bergen
Sydnesplass 12/13
5007 Bergen
Professor Pentti Leino
Suomen kielen laitos
PL 3
Professor Margaret A. Mills
Dept of Near Eastern Languages & Cultures
The Ohio State University
1735 Neil Ave, Room #203
Columbus, OH 43210-9263
Professor Sadhana Naithani
Center of German Studies
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi 110067
Professor Klaus Roth
Institut für dt. und vergl. Volkskunde
Ludwigstr. 25/0
80539 München
Professor Anna-Leena Siikala
Folkloristiikan laitos
PL 59
Professor emer. Leea Virtanen
Opastinsilta 9 B 48
(tel. +358 9 143 243)
Professor Vilmos Voigt
Dept of Folklore
ELTE University
Pf. 107
1364 Budapest 4
There is no deadline for the application. The processing of membership normally takes 2-3 months. The Executive Committee also has the right, on the advice of the Advisory Committee, to invite members without formal application. The minimum requirement for associate membership is an academic degree (not necessarily in folklore) and folkloristic publications.
Nominations for full membership and honorary membership should be made at the discretion of the chairman. They will be decided by secret ballot in the Advisory Committee.
The membership benefits include the bulletin FF Network (sent free of charge) and a 20% member discount on the volumes published in FFC.
Lauri Honko
Chairman, FF
(FFN 21, March 2001: 1,11-12 )