FFN 37

FFN 37

No. 37 / December 2009 Anna-Leena Siikala A new generation Annikki Kaivola-Bregenhøj History bursts into story: women’s tales of war Publications of the Finnish Literature Society Jonathan Roper Narratives across time and space: the 15th Congress of the...

Matriarchy revisited

Marisa Rey-Henningsen, The World of the Ploughwoman. Folklore and Reality in Matriarchal Northwest Spain. Folklore Fellows’ Communications No. 254. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Academia Scientiarum Fennica), 1994. 293 pp. Hard (ISBN 951-41-0746-2), FIM 165,­...

Variation in oral narrative

Annikki Kaivola-Bregenhøj, Narrative and Narrating. Variation in Juho Oksanen’s Storytelling. Folklore Fellows’ Communications No. 261. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Academia Scientiarum Fennica), 1996. 211 pp. Hard (ISBN 951-41-0806-X), FIM 150,­ Soft (ISBN...

Can compromises save a paradigm?

Christine Goldberg, The Tale of the Three Oranges. Folklore Fellows’’ Communications No. 263. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Academia Scientiarum Fennica), 1997. 268 pp. Hard (ISBN 951-41-0806-X), FIM 155,­ Soft (ISBN 951-41-0807-8), FIM 130,­ Available at the...

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