FFN 36

FFN 36

No. 36 / July 2009 Anna-Leena Siikala Diverse Research Histories Jukka Siikala Those Who Know: the Tumu Korero of the Cook Islands Cristina Bacchilega Before and After ‘Folktales and Fairy Tales: Translation, Colonialism, and Cinema’ Recent Publications of the Finnish...

Experiencing the Siri Epic

The epic flows like a river. Where has water been born? Gopala Naika Lauri Honko, Textualising the Siri Epic. Folklore Fellows’ Communications No. 264. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Academia Scientiarum Fennica), 1998. 695 pp. Hard (ISBN 951-41-0812-4), FIM...

The type and motif index of Finnish belief legends

Marjatta Jauhiainen, The Type and Motif Index of Finnish Belief Legends. Revised and enlarged edition of Lauri Simonsuuri’s Typen- und Motivverzeichnis der finnischen mythischen Sagen (FFC No. 182). Folklore Fellows’ Communications No. 267. Helsinki: Suomalainen...


Can compromises save a paradigm? (by Lauri Honko) Christine Goldberg, The Tale of the Three Oranges. FFC No. 263 Variation in oral narrative (by Outi Lehtipuro) Annikki Kaivola-Bregenhøj, Narrative and Narrating. Variation in Juho Oksanen’s Storytelling. FFC No....

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