
A fresh view on Baldr and society (by Anna-Leena Siikala) John Lindow, Murder and Vengeance among the Gods: Baldr in Scandinavian Mythology. FFC No. 262 The gendered interpretation of blood (by Aili Nenola) Isabel Cardigos, In and out of Enchantment: Blood Symbolism...


A study on the Estonian traditional calendar and folk religion (by Ülo Valk) Mall Hiiemäe, Der estnische Volkskalender. FFC No. 268 The type and motif index of Finnish belief legends (by Pekka Laaksonen) Marjatta Jauhiainen, The Type and Motif Index of Finnish Belief...

A Native American epic

Arthur T. Hatto, The Mohave Heroic Epic of Inyo-kutavêre. Re-appraised and further interpreted on the basis of the edition of A. L. Kroeber and consultation of his field record. Folklore Fellows’ Communications No. 269. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Academia...

A folkloristic insight into changing society

Radost Ivanova, Folklore of the Change. Folk Culture in Post-Socialist Bulgaria. Folklore Fellows’ Communications No. 270. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Academia Scientiarum Fennica). 127 pp. 1999. Hard (ISBN 951-41-0840-x), FIM 70,- Soft (ISBN 951-41-0841-8),...

Oral and oral-derived epics in a global view

Lauri Honko, Jawaharlal Handoo and John Miles Foley (eds.), The Epic: Oral and Written. Central Institute of Indian Languages: Mysore, 1998. 234 pp. ISBN 81-7342-055-6. (For copies write or call: Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore 570 006, India. Phones:...

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