FFC 326

FFC 326

The Meanings of Enchantment Wondertale Symbolism Revisited Francisco Vaz da Silva The Kalevala Society Folklore Fellows’ Communications 326 Helsinki 2023 218 pages ISBN 978-952-9534-05-0 Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 28 € This study posits that the meanings...
FFN 56

FFN 56

Contents Folklore Fellows on the Threshold of a New Era Pekka Hakamies Diverse Conceptions of ‘Folklore’ Frog Lithuanian Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases for Local and International Research Dalia Zaikauskienė & Vita Džekčioriūtė-Medeišienė Book Review:...
FFC 325

FFC 325

Exotic Dreams in the Science of the Volksgeist. Towards a Global History of European Folklore Studies Diarmuid Ó Giolláin The Kalevala Society Folklore Fellows’ Communications 325 Helsinki 2022 420 pages ISBN 978-952-9534-04-3 Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore,...
FFN 55

FFN 55

Contents Ships Pass in the Night No More? Frog Close Walking Matthias Egeler Types of Mongolian Folktale and Database Construction S. Tsetsenmunkh Folklore Fellows Summer School 2021 Jesse Barber Review: Folkloristics in the Digital Age Merrill Kaplan Review: Visions...
FFC 322

FFC 322

Catalogue of Galician Folktales Camiño Noia Campos The Kalevala Society Folklore Fellows’ Communications 322 Helsinki 2021 318 pp. ISBN 978-952-9534-01-2 Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 34€ The Galician Catalogue typologically records Galician tales...

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