FFC 323

FFC 323

Folklore and Old Norse Mythology Frog and Joonas Ahola (eds.) The Kalevala Society Folklore Fellows’ Communications 323 Helsinki 2021 696 pages ISBN 978-952-9534-02-9 Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 58€ The present volume responds to the rising boom of...
FFC 322

FFC 322

Catalogue of Galician Folktales Camiño Noia Campos The Kalevala Society Folklore Fellows’ Communications 322 Helsinki 2021 318 pp. ISBN 978-952-9534-01-2 Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 34€ The Galician Catalogue typologically records Galician tales...
FFC 321

FFC 321

Dictionaries as Sources of Folklore Data Ed. Jonathan Roper Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia Folklore Fellows’ Communications 321 Helsinki 2020 246 pp. ISBN 978-951-41-1157-0 Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 28€ What does Elias Lönnrot have in common with...
FFC 320

FFC 320

Representations of Fear. Verbalising Emotion in Ancient Roman Folk Narrative Camilla Asplund Ingemark & Dominic Ingemark Suomalainen TiedeakatemiaFolklore Fellows’ Communications 320Helsinki 2020362 p.ISBN 978-951-41-1156-3Available at the Tiedekirja...
FFC 319

FFC 319

Ludwig Mülhausen, Séamus Ó Caiside and Scéal Rí na Gréige. The Tale of ‘Three Golden Children’ (ATU 707) in 1937 Donegal Maxim Fomin Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia Folklore Fellows’ Communications 319 Helsinki 2020 234 pp. 978-951-41-1142-6 Available at...
FFC 318

FFC 318

Verzeichnis der altböhmischen Exempel Index exemplorum paleobohemicorum Karel Dvořák Mitarbeiter Kamil Boldan Herausgeber Jan Luffer Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia Folklore Fellows’ Communications 318 Tallinn 2019, 307 pp. ISBN 978-951-41-1141-9 Available at the Tiedekirja...

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