FFN 40

FFN 40

Pekka Hakamies Oral and written folklore Lotte Tarkka The deck of cards and the language of tradition Bengt af Klintberg Wandering legends about wandering forests Reviews Download FFN 40 in PDF format
FFN 39

FFN 39

  Pekka Hakamies The centenary of Folklore Fellows’ Communications Tom DuBois Tale of two journals Pekka Hakamies Story and reality in folkloristics Niina Hämäläinen After the New Folkloristics? Download FF Network 39, December 2010, in PDF...
FFN 38

FFN 38

  Pekka Hakamies Tradition—continuity—change Ulrika Wolf-Knuts A history of folkloristics Ulf Palmenfelt Once upon a time there was a genre Eila Stepanova The Kalevala in the Contexts of Regional and Global Culture Download FF Network 38, June 2010, in PDF format...
FFN 37

FFN 37

No. 37 / December 2009 Anna-Leena Siikala A new generation Annikki Kaivola-Bregenhøj History bursts into story: women’s tales of war Publications of the Finnish Literature Society Jonathan Roper Narratives across time and space: the 15th Congress of the...
FFN 36

FFN 36

No. 36 / July 2009 Anna-Leena Siikala Diverse Research Histories Jukka Siikala Those Who Know: the Tumu Korero of the Cook Islands Cristina Bacchilega Before and After ‘Folktales and Fairy Tales: Translation, Colonialism, and Cinema’ Recent Publications of the Finnish...


No. 9 / November 1994 The Road to Mysore by Lauri Honko Towards the Nightless Night by Pekka Hakamies and Sinikka Vakimo Folklore Fellows in Oral Epics by Lauri Honko Panel on Oral and Semiliterary Epics

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