FFN 27

No. 27 / December 2004 Anna-Leena Siikala: The many faces of contemporary folklore studies Aili Nenola: On power and violence in patriarchal households Sinikka Vakimo: Gender in Finnish folkloristics – outlines of broadening fields Recent publications of the Finnish...

FFN 26

No. 26 / May 2004 Anna-Leena Siikala: Folkloristics moves into the digital age Lauri Harvilahti: Textualising an oral epic – a mission impossible? Christine Goldberg: African-American folktales: Where do they come from? Why does it matter? Reviews by Ergo-Hart Västrik...

FFN 23

No. 23 / December 2003 Maria Vasenkari: Elias Lönnrot and the birth of a nation Lauri Honko: Who are the epic-makers? Anna-Leena Siikala: The 6th Folklore Fellows’ Summer School at Lammi Leea Virtanen: Estonian folkloristics enjoys its new-found freedom Reviews by...

FFN 25

No. 25 / December 2003 Anna-Leena Siikala: Reaping the harvest of the Kalevala jubilee years Satu Apo: A singing scribe or a nationalist author? The making of the Kalevala as described by Elias Lönnrot Anna-Leena Siikala: Elias Lönnrot the ethnographer Jouni Hyvönen:...

FFN 24

No. 24 / May 2003 Anna-Leena Siikala: The Folklore Fellows’ Network and international cooperation Anna-Leena Siikala: Lauri Honko 1932-2002 Lauri Honko: The five performances of the Kalevala Niina Hämäläinen, Kaarina Koski, Maria Vasenkari: Memory, recollection and...

FFN 22

No. 22 / November 2001 Lauri Honko: The digital era is here Tiina Mahlamäki: Some guidelines for the archiving of qualitative research data Jukka Saarinen: Kalevalaic poetry as a digital corpus Barbro Klein: Anna Birgitta Rooth and folkloristics in Sweden Reviews by...

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