FFN 15

No. 15 / April 1998 Institutional profiles by Lauri Honko The Kalevala Insitute at the University of Turku by Lauri Honko Folklore activities of the Finnish Literature Society by Urpo Vento Matti Kuusi (1914-1998) The Kalevala Prize New Nordic Network Thick Corpus and...

FFN 14

No. 14 / December 1997 FF Network expands by Lauri Honko Tradition, locality and globalization: world’s flowing into each other by Satu Lehtinen & Airi Markkanen Multicultural processes and meanings of folklore by Lauri Harvilahti FFSS97 Working Groups A...

FFN 13

No. 13 / November 1996 Kalevala Institute on the drawing board by Lauri Honko Comparing the textualization of oral epics – FFOE Conference 1996 by Lauri Honko Local and global processes in folklore studies – FF Summer School 1997 by Lauri...

FFN 12

No. 12 / June 1996 The quest for oral text: the third wave? by Lauri Honko Folklore Fellows’ Summer School 1997: Tradition, locality and multicultural processes by Anna-Leena Siikala FFOE Conference on textualization of oral epics

FFN 11

No. 11 / October 1995 Academia Scientiarum Fennica Folklorists in Search of Identity. The Folklore Fellows’ Summer School at the University of Joensuu Folklore Fellows in Gender Studies Folklore Fellows International: Statutes The Elusive Oral Text: FFOE focuses...

FFN 10

No. 10 / May 1995 Oral and Semiliterary Epics: A Panel in Mysore Folklore Fellows’ Summer School 1995. Preliminary Programme Folklore Fellows in Gender Studies in Mysore Folklore Fellows in Gender Studies – list of members FF Advisory Committee Nominated...

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