FFN 10

No. 10 / May 1995 Oral and Semiliterary Epics: A Panel in Mysore Folklore Fellows’ Summer School 1995. Preliminary Programme Folklore Fellows in Gender Studies in Mysore Folklore Fellows in Gender Studies – list of members FF Advisory Committee Nominated...


No. 8 / April 1994 FF Honorary and Full Members Tradition and Conflicting Identities – FF Summer School 1995 by Anna-Leena Siikala FF in Gender Studies by Aili Nenola


No. 7 / November 1993 Folklore Fellows activities by Lauri Honko Teachings of the Silk-Road Epics: A Workshop in Turku by Lauri Honko The 2nd FF Summer School: Tradition and Renewal by Anna-Leena Siikala FFSS93: A Participant’s Report by Liam Ó Dochartaigh...


Contents of the FF Network 5 (August 1992) Folklorists meet in Innsbruck by Lauri Honko Folklore Fellows’ Summer School approaches by Lotte Tarkka A good word for indices


Contents of the FF Network 4 (May 1992) Tradition and renewal at the FFSS by Lauri Honko Folklore Fellows’ Summer School 1993 in Turku by Anna-Leena Siikala The governing bodies


Contents of the FF Network 2 (June 1991) Welcome to the FF Summer School 91 FFSS91 programme FFSS91 Participants FFSS91 Teachers FFSS91 Secretariat

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