Catalogue of Galician Folktales

Camiño Noia Campos

The Kalevala Society
Folklore Fellows’ Communications 322
Helsinki 2021
318 pp.
ISBN 978-952-9534-01-2
Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 34€

The Galician Catalogue typologically records Galician tales within the European oral tradition. It orders them under the internationally recognized ATU (Aarne–Thompson–Uther) index system, uses regional catalogues classification, and includes new cataloguing proposals for uncatalogued ethno-texts. Galicia’s rich narrative tradition of the past has now practically disappeared, which has led the editor to also index tales of which there is only one version.

The Galician Catalogue is enriched by its subject index, which includes the names of the most frequent themes and motifs, the characters and their actions. The work should be regarded as a model reference on the folktale heritage of Galicia and the areas sharing the Galician language in Asturias, Leon, Zamora and Caceres (Valle de las Ellas). For researchers in International folktales, it will also be an invaluable source of information.

Camiño Noia Campos (Santiago de Compostela, 1945) is Professor emerita at the University of Vigo (Pontevedra). Occupying the Chair of Galician Literature, she has devoted a large part of her research to collecting and transcribing oral folktales. In 2002, Professor Noia published the collection Contos galegos de tradición oral, the basis for the Catálogo tipolóxico do conto galego, published in 2010. The latter includes a complete example tale of each type, using the approach of Julio Camarena and Maxime Chevalier in the Spanish Catalogue, Catálogo tipológico del cuento folklórico español. Noia has also published articles in Galician, Spanish and French on various aspects of Galician oral tales.



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Animal Tales

Wild Animals 1–99

The Clever Fox (Other Animal) 1–69
Other Wild Animals 70–99

Wild Animals and Domestic Animals 100–149
Wild Animals and Humans 150–199
Domestic Animals 200–219
Other Animals and Objects 220–299

Tales of Magic

Supernatural Adversaries 300–399
Supernatural or Enchanted Wife (Husband) or Other Relative 400–459

Wife 400–424
Husband 425–449
Brother or Sister 450–459

Supernatural Tasks 460–499
Supernatural Helpers 500–559
Magic Objects 560–649
Supernatural Power or Knowledge 650–699
Other Tales of the Supernatural 700–749

Religious Tales

God Rewards and Punishes 750–779
The Truth Comes to Light 780–799
Heaven 800–809
The Devil 810–826
Other Religious Tales 827–849

Realistic Tales (Novelle)

The Man Marries the Princess 850–869
The Woman Marries the Prince 870–879
Proofs of Fidelity and Innocence 880–899
The Obstinate Wife Learns to Obey 900–909
Good Precepts 910–919
Clever Acts and Words 920–929
Tales of Fate 930–949
Robbers and Murderers 950–969
Other Realistic Tales 970–999

Tales of the Stupid Ogre (Giant, Devil)

Labor Contract 1000–1029
Partnership Between Man and Ogre (Devil) 1030–1059
Contest Between Man and Ogre (Devil, Goblin) 1060–1114
Man Kills (Injures) Ogre (Devil) 1115–1144
Man Outwits the Devil 1155–1169
Souls Saved from the Devil 1170–1199

Anecdotes and Jokes

Stories about a Fool 1200–1349
Stories about Married Couples 1350–1439

The Foolish Wife and Her Husband 1380–1404
The Foolish Husband and His Wife 1405–1429
The Foolish Couple 1430–1439

Stories about a Woman 1440–1524

Looking for Wife 1450–1474
Jokes about Old Maids 1475–1499
Other Stories about Women 1500–1524

Stories about a Man 1525–1724

The Clever Man 1525–1639
Lucky Accidents 1640–1674
The Stupid Man 1675–1724

Jokes about Clergymen and Religious Figures 1725–1849

The Clergyman is Tricked 1725–1774
Clergyman and Sexton 1775–1799
Other Jokes about Clergymen and Religious Figures 1800–1849

Anecdotes about Other Groups of People 1850–1874
Tall Tales 1875–1999

Formula Tales

Cumulative Tales 2000–100

Chains Based on Numbers, Objects, Animals or Names 2000–2020
Chains Involving Death (with Animal Actors) 2021–2024
Chains involving other events 2025–2028

Catch Tales 2200–2299
Other Formula Tales 2300–2399


I. Indexes and Catalogues
II. Primary Sources of Galician Tales and References
III.  Collections of Tales from Other Linguistic Areas
IV. Works of General Nature for the Study of Oral Narrative
V. Magazines with Galician Ethnotexts Included in AGANO


Types Complementary to ATU
Alphabetical Index of Tale Types
General Index

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