The Two Faces of Nationalism
Pekka Hakamies
An Update to the Folklore Fellows’ Network Bulletin
Petja Kauppi
National Identity and Folklore: the Case of Ireland
Mícheál Briody
Folk and Nation in Estonian Folkloristics
Liina Saarlo
Finnish Literature Society (SKS) Archives
Risto Blomster, Outi Hupaniittu, Marja-Leena Jalava, Katri Kivilaakso, Juha Nirkko, Maiju Putkonen & Jukka Saarinen
Latest FFC Publications
FFC 313: Latvian Folkloristics in the Interwar Period. Ed. Dace Bula.
FFC 314: Matthias Egeler, Atlantic Outlooks on Being at Home.
Cover: Student of Estonian philology, Anita Riis (1927−1995) is standing at the supposed-to-be Kalevipoeg’s boulder in Porkuni, northern Estonia in 1951. (Photo by Ülo Tedre. EKM KKI, Foto 1045)