Folklore Fellows Network Bulletin

FFN 54 (2021)

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The Corona Cocoon

Covid Conspiracies
Timothy R. Tangherlini & Vwani Roychowdhury

Historical Oral Poems and Digital Humanities
Kati Kallio & Eetu Mäkelä & Maciej Janicki

Second edition of Verzeichnis der altbömischen Exempel
Bengt af Klintberg

Folklore Fellows´Communications in 2020

FFN 52 (2019)

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Each to His Time
Pekka Hakamies

Video Game Studies and Contemporary Folkloristics
Jukka Vahlo

Violence of Traditions and Traditions of Violence – Towards Folklore Fellows’ Summer School 2020
Pertti Anttonen

FFN 51 (2018)

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The Two Faces of Nationalism
Pekka Hakamies

An Update to the Folklore Fellows’ Network Bulletin
Petja Kauppi

National Identity and Folklore: the Case of Ireland
Mícheál Briody

Folk and Nation in Estonian Folkloristics
Liina Saarlo

Finnish Literature Society (SKS) Archives
Risto Blomster, Outi Hupaniittu, Marja-Leena Jalava, Katri Kivilaakso, Juha Nirkko, Maiju Putkonen & Jukka Saarinen

Latest FFC Publications
FFC 313: Latvian Folkloristics in the Interwar Period. Ed. Dace Bula.
FFC 314: Matthias Egeler, Atlantic Outlooks on Being at Home.

FFN 50 (2017)

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Pekka Hakamies
Scholarly Freedom

Amy Shuman
Speaking Out, Speaking for, and the Right to Speak on Behalf of Others

Kirsti Salmi-Niklander
Writers and listeners of Walotar – Exploring the oral-literary traditions of the Finnish community in Rockport, Massachusetts

News from the Finnish Literature Society

Dániel Bárth
Education and research in the Department of Folklore, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

FFN 49 (2016)

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Pekka Hakamies
Focusing on the main task

Kaarina Koski
Continuing Bonds in Finnish Bereavement Narratives

Māra Zirnīte and Ieva Garda-Rozenberga
Oral History Studies in Latvia

News from the Finnish Literature Society

Dani Schrire, Hagar Salamon and Galit Hasan-Rokem
Folklore Studies and Research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

The Latest in Folklore Fellows Communications
FFC 310 Bill Mag Fhloinn
FFC 311 Tuomas Hovi

FFN 48 (2016)

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Pekka Hakamies
Change and Continuity

Anna-Leena Siikala In Memoriam

Linguistic Multiforms: Advancing Oral-Formulaic Theory

Karina Lukin
Shaman or con-man? Ways to frame cultural heritage after anti-religious propaganda

T. G. Vladykina and A. Ye. Zagrebin
Folklore Archives of the Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Russian Academy of Science

FFN 47 (2015)

FFN 48

Pekka Hakamies
The essence of folklore and its new life on the web

Anne Heimo and Kirsi Hänninen
Participatory, community and spontaneous archives and digitally born cultural heritage

Lynne McNeill
‘The internet is weird’: folkloristics in the digital age

News from the Finnish Literature Society

Anastasiya Astapova
Folklore Fellows’ Summer School 2015: Doing Folkloristics in the Digital Age

Christoph Schmitt
Folklore research at the University of Rostock: The Wossidlo Archive, its development and present situation

FFN 46 (2015)

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Pekka Hakamies
The Folklore Fellows’ Summer School as an institution

Art Leete
Turning points in the history of ethnographic descriptions of the peoples of the north

News from the Finnish Literature Society

Arvo Krikmann
On the vowel euphony in Finnic alliterative folksongs


FFN 45 (2014)

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Pekka Hakamies
Folklore, Ethics and Politics

Tuomas Hovi
Authenticity, Dracula Tourism and the Folklore Process

Soumya Mohan Ghosh and Rajni Singh
Reconstructing Draupadi:
The reclamation and articulation of the feminine self in Saoli Mitra’s Nathavati Anathavat (‘Five Lords, Yet None a Protector’)

News from the Finnish Literature Society


FFN 44 (2014)

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Pekka Hakamies
Let’s get Digital: The Folklore Fellows’ Summer School 2015

Anne Heimo & Kaarina Koski
Internet Memes as Statements and Entertainment

Wolfgang Mieder
Futuristic Paremiography and Paremiology:
A plea for the collection and study of modern proverbs

News from the Finnish Literature Society

Kati Kallio
Julius and Kaarle Krohn Anniversary Symposium
Helsinki, 6 September, 2013

An Deming, Shi Aidong, Ye Tao & Yin Hubin
Folklore Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Doing Folkloristics in the Digital Age


FFN 43 (2013)

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Pekka Hakamies
The Individual and the History of Science

Alexandra Bergholm
King, Poet, Seer: aspects of the Celtic Wild Man legend in medieval literature

Anna Angelopoulos and Marianthi Kaplanoglou
Greek Magic Tales: aspects of research in Folklore Studies and Anthropology

News from the Finnish Literature Society

Marja-Liisa Keinänen
The Role of Theory in Folkloristics and Comparative Religion, Turku, 21–23 August, 2013

Kaarina Koski, Pekka Hakamies and Kirsi Hänninen
Narrative in the Modern World: Unity and Divesity, Vilnius, 2530 June, 2013

Lina Bugiene, Brone Stundziene and Ruta Zarskiene
Folklore Research at the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore in Vilnius, Lithuania

Theory and Practice Hand in Hand
A Journey of Interpretive Discovery
The Catalogue of Greek Magic Folktales in English

FFN 42 (2012)

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Pekka Hakamies
Publish or perish

Kari Mikko Vesala & Seppo Knuuttila
Non-communication as a perspective on the world of communication: elaborating on Bateson

Regina F. Bendix
Forget inheriting – invest in culture!

News from the Finnish Literature Society

Aili Nenola
Runo collectors and laments in Old Ingria

Ergo-Hart Västrik & Pihla Siim
The Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu

Obituary: John Miles Foley (1947–2012)

Review: Belonging to and in Russia

FFN 41 (2012)

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Pekka Hakamies
Dear Folklore Fellows

Timo Kaartinen
Handing down and writing down

Pekka Hakamies
Management and loss of narrative knowledge in the ‘Guided Islands and Conducted Lands’ (East Indonesia and East Timor)

News from the Finnish Literature Society

Folklore Fellows’ Communications—your publisher?

Arbnora Dushi

Developing Albanian folklore studies in Kosova

FFN 40 (2011)

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Pekka Hakamies
Oral and written folklore

Lotte Tarkka
The deck of cards and the language of tradition

Bengt af Klintberg
Wandering legends about wandering forests


FFN 39 (2011)

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Pekka Hakamies
The centenary of Folklore Fellows’ Communications

Tom DuBois
Tale of two journals

Pekka Hakamies
Story and reality in folkloristics

Niina Hämäläinen
After the New Folkloristics?

FFN 38 (2010)

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Pekka Hakamies

Ulrika Wolf-Knuts
A history of folkloristics

Ulf Palmenfelt
Once upon a time there was a genre

Eila Stepanova
The Kalevala in the Contexts of Regional and Global Culture

FFN 37 (2009)

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Anna-Leena Siikala
A new generation

Annikki Kaivola-Bregenhøj
History bursts into story: women’s tales of war
Publications of the Finnish Literature Society

Jonathan Roper
Narratives across time and space: the 15th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR), Athens, June 2009

Clive Tolley
Should we search for shamanism outside Siberia? The Nordic dilemma

FFN 36 (2009)
  • A

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    nna-Leena Siikala
    Diverse Research Histories

  • Jukka Siikala
    Those Who Know: the Tumu Korero of the Cook Islands
  • Cristina Bacchilega
    Before and After ‘Folktales and Fairy Tales: Translation, Colonialism, and Cinema’
  • Recent Publications of the Finnish Literature Society
  • After the New Folkloristics? The Eighth Folklore Fellows’ Summer School at Lammi, Finland
  • Professor Anna-Leena Siikala Receives the Honorary Title of Academician
  • Pekka Hakamies
    The Kalevala Institute: First Ten Years
  • Reviews
    by Christine Shoajei-Kawan
  • New Volumes in the FF Communications
  • A Recent Volume in the FF Communications
FFN 35 (2008)

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No. 35 / December 2008

  • Anna-Leena Siikala
    Strengthening International Activity
  • Pekka Hakamies
    The Modernisation of the Soviet Karelian Countryside: The case of Vieljärvi/Vedlozero from the 1920s to the 1960s
  • Pertti Anttonen
    The Textualization of Oral Tradition and Its Modern Contextualization in Finland
  • Recent Publications of the Finnish Literature Society
  • Reviews by
    Joseph Harris
    Tuulikki Kurki
    Jukka Siikala
  • A New Volume in the FF Communications
FFN 34 (2008)

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No. 34 / June 2008

  • Anna-Leena Siikala
    Kaarle Krohn’s Way
  • Anna-Leena Siikala
    Mythic Discourses: Questions of Finno-Ugric Studies of Myth
  • Hanne Pico Larsen & Lizette Gradén
    Imagined Nordic Spaces
  • Recent Publications of the Finnish Literature Society
  • Reviews by
    Hanne Pico Larsen
    Timothy R. Tangherlini
    Marjut Huuskonen
    Karl Reichl
  • A New Volume in the FF Communications
FFN 33 (2007)

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No. 33 / December 2007

  • Anna-Leena Siikala
    The Long Road of Folklorstics
  • John Shaw
    Gaelic Oral Poetry in Scotland
  • Pertti Anttonen
    Notes on Lauri Honko’s Discussion on Paradigms in the History of Folklore Studies
  • Recent Publications of the Finnish Literature Society
  • Elo-Hanna Seljamaa
    Oral Poetry and Field Work in a Viena Karelian Setting
  • Reviews by
    Hans-Jörg Utter
  • Forthcoming in the FF Communications
FFN 32 (2007)

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No. 32 / June 2007

  • Anna-Leena Siikala
    On Borders, in Centres and on Peripheries
  • Stein R. Mathisen
    Folklore in Northern Multicultural Contexts
  • Carsten Bregenhøj
    A Mumming Skit from 1860: Its Context and Background
  • Recent Publications of the Finnish Literature Society
  • Pauliina Latvala
    Folklorists Gather at the Seventh Summer School
  • Reviews by
    Marja-Liisa Keinänen
  • New Volumes in the FF Communications
FFN 31 (2006)

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No. 31 / December 2006

  • Anna-Leena Siikala:
    Folklore Performance and the Sense of Belonging
  • Pekka Hakamies:
    Collectivity in Folklore
  • Kristin Kuutma:
    Changing Codified Symbols of Identity
  • Recent publications of the Finnish Literature Society
  • Ulf Palmenfelt and Owe Ronström:
    Facing the Future: Folklore Studies at Sweden’s Youngest University
  • Reviews by
    Éva Pócs and
    Stein R. Mathisen
  • New Volumes in the FF Communications
FFN 30 (2006)

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No. 30 / June 2006

  • Anna-Leena Siikala:
    Globalisation and the Renewal of Tradition
  • Laura Stark:
    Magic Narratives as Dialogue Between Archives and Rural Inhabitants in Finland 1880–1960
  • John Miles Foley:
    Oral Tradition and the Internet: Navigating Pathways
  • Recent publications of the Finnish Literature Society
  • Folklore Fellows’ Summer School in the Landscape of the Kalevala
  • John Shaw: Scottish Ethnology Report
  • Reviews by
    Cristina Bacchilega
  • Forthcoming in the FF Communications
  • A Recent Volume in the FF Communications
FFN 29 (2005)

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No. 29 / December 2005

  • Anna-Leena Siikala:
    Research, teaching and quality assurance
  • Annikki Kaivola-Bregenhøj:
    Homo narrans – people making narratives
  • Tarja Kupiainen:
    Folk narrative theories and contemporary practices
  • Recent publications of the Finnish Literature Society
  • Merja Leppälahti:
    Folk legend researchers met in Iceland
  • Reviews by
    Valdimar Hafstein
    Outi Fingerroos
    Marjut Huuskonen
  • MLA awards Prize for a Distinguished Scholarly Edition to FFC 283
  • A new volume in the FF Communications
FFN 28 (2005)

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No. 28 / June 2005

  • Anna-Leena Siikala:
    Folkloristics and globalisation
  • Seppo Knuuttila
    Getting lost
  • Diarmuid Ó Giolláin:
    The national and the local – practices of de- and retraditionalization
  • Recent publications of the Finnish Literature Society
  • Reviews by
    Jurjen van der Kooi
    Toshio Ozawa
    Laura Stark
  • The Types of the International Folktales is published
  • A new volume in the FF Communications 28
FFN 27 (2004)

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No. 27 / December 2004

  • Anna-Leena Siikala:
    The many faces of contemporary folklore studies
  • Aili Nenola:
    On power and violence in patriarchal households
  • Sinikka Vakimo:
    Gender in Finnish folkloristics – outlines of broadening fields
  • Recent publications of the Finnish Literature Society
  • Reviews by Outi Lehtipuro and Karl Reichl
  • FF Communications in print
  • A new volume in the FF Communications
FFN 26 (2004)

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No. 26 / May 2004

  • Anna-Leena Siikala:
    Folkloristics moves into the digital age
  • Lauri Harvilahti:
    Textualising an oral epic – a mission impossible?
  • Christine Goldberg:
    African-American folktales: Where do they come from? Why does it matter?
  • Reviews by
    Ergo-Hart Västrik
    Veronique Campion-Vincent
    John Lindow
    Seppo Suhonen
    Juha Janhunen
  • New volumes of the FF Communications
  • Forthcoming in the FF Communications
FFN 25 (2003)

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No. 25 / December 2003

  • Anna-Leena Siikala:
    Reaping the harvest of the Kalevala jubilee years
  • Satu Apo:
    A singing scribe or a nationalist author? The making of the Kalevala as described by Elias Lönnrot
  • Anna-Leena Siikala:
    Elias Lönnrot the ethnographer
  • Jouni Hyvönen:
    Symposium on comparative epic research, 1–3 November 2002
  • Book Reviews
  • FF Communications in print
FFN 24 (2003)

No. 24 / May 2003

FFN 23 (2003)

No. 23 / December 2003

FFN 22 (2001)

No. 22 / November 2001

FFN 19 (1999)

No. 19 / March 1999

FFN 9 (1994)

No. 9 / November 1994

FFN 5 (1992)

Contents of the FF Network 5
(August 1992)

FFN 4 (1992)

Contents of the FF Network 4
(May 1992)

FFN 3 (1992)

Contents of the FF Network 3
(January 1992)

FFN 1 (1991)

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