Folklore Fellows
is an international network of folklorists, promoting scientific contacts between researchers, publication work and research training. In striving to meet its objectives, Folklore Fellows invites outstanding and active researchers from across the globe to become members.
The membership forms an editorial advisory body on the Folklore Fellows’ Communications series, and participates in organising the research courses of the Folklore Fellows’ Summer School. The activities of the Folklore Fellows are related in the Folklore Fellows’ Network bulletin.
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Latest in Folklore Fellows’ Communications
FFC 321
Dictionaries as Sources of Folklore Data Ed. Jonathan Roper Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia Folklore Fellows' Communications 321 Helsinki 2020 246 pp. ISBN 978-951-41-1157-0 Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 28€ What does Elias Lönnrot have in common with Vladimir...
FFC 320
Representations of Fear. Verbalising Emotion in Ancient Roman Folk Narrative Camilla Asplund Ingemark & Dominic Ingemark Suomalainen TiedeakatemiaFolklore Fellows' Communications 320Helsinki 2020362 p.ISBN 978-951-41-1156-3Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore,...
Latest in Folklore Fellows’ Network Bulletin
FFN 50
Contents Pekka Hakamies Scholarly Freedom Amy Shuman Speaking Out, Speaking for, and the Right to Speak on Behalf of Others Kirsti Salmi-Niklander Writers and listeners of Walotar – Exploring the oral-literary traditions of the Finnish community in Rockport,...
FFN 49
Contents Pekka Hakamies Focusing on the main task Kaarina Koski Continuing Bonds in Finnish Bereavement Narratives Māra Zirnīte and Ieva Garda-Rozenberga Oral History Studies in Latvia News from the Finnish Literature Society Dani Schrire, Hagar Salamon and Galit...