Folklore Fellows
is an international network of folklorists, promoting scientific contacts between researchers, publication work and research training. In striving to meet its objectives, Folklore Fellows invites outstanding and active researchers from across the globe to become members.
The membership forms an editorial advisory body on the Folklore Fellows’ Communications series, and participates in organising the research courses of the Folklore Fellows’ Summer School. The activities of the Folklore Fellows are related in the Folklore Fellows’ Network bulletin.
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Latest in Folklore Fellows’ Communications
FFC 315
FFC 315 Visions and Traditions. Eds. Lauri Harvilahti, Audun Kjus, Clíona O’Carrol and Rita Treija. 2018.
FFC 314
Matthias Egeler: Atlantic Outlooks on Being at Home. Gaelic Place-Lore and the Construction of a Sense of Place in Medieval Iceland. Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. Folklore Fellows’ Communications 314
Latest in Folklore Fellows’ Network Bulletin
FFN 44
FF Network 44 (July 2014)
FFN 43
Pekka Hakamies The Individual and the History of Science Alexandra Bergholm King, Poet, Seer: aspects of the Celtic Wild Man legend in medieval literature Anna Angelopoulos and Marianthi Kaplanoglou Greek Magic Tales: aspects of research in Folklore Studies and...